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Showing posts from March, 2018

BTS - (Behind The Scenes) The Crew Of The Cruiser

Corey Schlosser Keaghan Garten So far, for our project "J.Peg's Misadventures in the Multiverse", we don't want give out too much information ahead of time, but right now we have found all of our lead character's voices. Cydney Hawkins As of right now, J.Peg will be played by Cydney Hawkins, Derek and Derk (the twins) will be played both by Corey Schlosser, and Perry (the humble robot) will be played by Keaghan Garten. You can be sure that with this comedic team we're going to have a blast, while exploring the Multiverse and dealing with strange situations. We're not planning on being crowd-funded, so if you would like to see this show become a reality, you can support us by contributing your services in the production crew.  We're in need of: ANIMATORS  WRITERS BACKGROUND ARTISTS CHARACTER ARTISTS  &  POSSIBLE EXTRA VOICE ACTORS    We look forward to hearing from you, but remember that this is

A Comeback 3/1/2018

Back in 2010, I was naive... I thought that I could form this production company with barely any experience or resources. And I’ve tried to make it happen for the longest time. It’s my dream and a goal of mine to make awesome and clean entertainment.    So, for this to happen I must begin to update C.H. Productions. Starting with our channel and our social media presence. Our YouTube Channel will be our network. Sort of like a TV Channel for the internet. The channel will have multiple forms of shows. I will not (at this time) announce all of those shows. But I will say that we’re working to make an animated pilot episode for a potential series and also a live action shorts comedy show (like we had before). What will happen to all that we previously worked on in this family/friend business that is practically unheard of?  We’ll keep it in our files, on our old channel and in our memories. All that you need to know now, is that C.H. is still here and making content. When it’s